Total m2:  23,000
Location:  Madrid, Spain
Completion year:  2015
Architects:  Ignacio Cristos Ayala
Glass Laminator:  Ariño Duglass S.A. 
Featured Products:  Saflex Acoustic (QS31)
Photo credits:  © Ariño Duglass S.A.

Madrid’s LEED® Platinum Torre Rioja building showcases sound damping technology.  

Saflex Acoustic PVB interlayers quiets street bustle to create an optimal workplace environment.

Madrid’s LEED® Platinum Edificio AA81 showcases sound damping technology of Saflex Acoustic PVB interlayers, which quiet street bustle to create an optimal workplace environment.

The glass windows on all five floors of Edificio AA81 were replaced with new windows featuring Saflex Acoustic. Saflex Acoustic can be used in place of or in conjunction with traditional glass interlayers to produce enhanced acoustical glazing systems.

Saflex Acoustic provides laminated glass the advantage of delivering a beautiful, new exterior aesthetic with up to 50% reduction in perceived loudness for the interior. Additionally, Saflex Acoustic deliver the well known characteristics of laminated glass — safety and security, enhanced UV screening and exceptional durability — giving the Edificio AA81 a multifunctional, high-performance glazing for the facade.

Saflex Acoustic

Saflex™ Acoustic

Reduce perceptible sound transmission by up to 50% in the critical frequency range.