Sound transmission loss

As a result of Saflex Acoustic PVB interlayer availability, architects and engineers can design elegant spaces that reduce perceived loudness by up to 50%—decreasing transmitted sound up to 10 decibels versus non-laminated glass, in the critical frequency range. Saflex Acoustic PVB interlayer is also compatible with the Vanceva™ Colors and Earth Tones interlayer systems, so architects and designers can create safe spaces without sacrificing style or comfort. 

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Innovative acoustic interlayer for laminated glass

Modern building designs emphasize liberal use of glass.  However, sound transmission can be significant through ordinary glass.  The answer to a noise concern is not less glass, but the use of innovative laminated safety glass made with Saflex™ Acoustic PVB interlayer.  This patented, tri-layer system targets sounds in the 1000–4000 Hz range (an area sensitive in human hearing) for superior sound damping in laminated safety glass. 


  • Airports
  • Hotels
  • Business offices
  • Government buildings
  • Restaurants
  • Boardrooms
  • Meeting rooms
  • Medical care centers
  • Health clinics
  • School classrooms
  • Lecture halls
  • Recording studios

Saflex Acoustic Product Performance


Saflex Acoustic Product Selector
