Perth, Australia
June 2016
Glass Laminator:
Cooling Brothers Glass Company
Iredale Pederson Hook
Featured products:
 Saflex Solar (SG41) and Vanceva Colors (0001, 0011, 0111, 0013, 0138, 0018)

Gusto Gelato Ice Creak Kiosk

Vanceva adds sparkle to this sweet spot

Located in the new Elizabeth Quay development of Perth on prime riverfront land on the northern bank of the Swan River sits a tantalizing treat for the senses: Gusto Gelato Ice Cream Kiosk. The architectural firm of Iredale Pederson Hook created the building’s design to imitate the look of an Argyle pink diamond, a rare gem unique to Western Australia. The kiosk imitates these precious stones in both form and color.

The Gusto Gelato Ice Cream Kiosk building is shaped like a rectangular diamond—the glass-paneled walls build out at an angle from the base, then shorter panels angle back to the flat roofline. The diamond’s facets are created with laminated glass panels of Vanceva Color System interlayers in subtle shades of pink, champagne, and grey. Adding visual interest to the panels are geometric shapes created by local artist Pamela Gaunt to represent the stages of a diamond, from a rough cut to a beautifully cut diamond. These designs are printed on the glass with ceramic fritting by Cooling Brothers Imagink Printed Glass.

Throughout the day, inside and out, the Vanceva Color System creates an ever-changing experience for viewers and visitors. The glass panels catch and reflect light, offering patrons a hint of what’s inside—sweet, velvety, pastel-colored gelato ice cream in a tantalizing myriad of flavors. At night, the kiosk transitions to a glowing pink diamond, showcasing single, double, and triple layers of Vanceva interlayers in six varying combinations of coral
rose, golden light, and smoke grey. The clarity of the Vanceva interlayers as well as varying the glass colors significantly contribute to creating visual depth in the design.

Gusto Gelato Ice Cream Kiosk is an ideal project to use Saflex SG solar absorbing PVB interlayer along with the Vanceva color PVB interlayers. Being situated on the river’s shoreline fully exposed to the elements, SG41 was selected for thermal performance due to Perth being a very windy and hot city. The building’s façade is all glass that is not shaded or protected by any barriers; therefore, it was of high priority to select a high performance glass. 

Gusto Gelato Ice Cream Kiosk is just the first build in the planned Elizabeth Quay development. With its thoughtful design and reference to the region, it will likely remain the crowning jewel of this plan.