Watch our recorded webinar on “Light and Transparency in your next glazing design”!

Roman Schieber from Knippers Helbig had a talk about some historical background of glazing design, and structural glass helping to build frameless glass envelopes!

Meet the speaker

Roman Schieber

Associate director ppa., Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering

Roman joined knippershelbig in 2007 and is now a managing director. Leading the knippershelbig Facades team in Europe and North America allows Roman the opportunity to work on unique, challenging projects all over the world. His association to structural engineering, environmental design and deep knowledge of the latest fabrication techniques allow him to transfer structural efficiency and thermal performance into façade design. Roman's portfolio includes projects like the Academy Museum Of Motion Pictures In Los Angeles – designed by Renzo Piano Building Workshop; and The Museum Of Fine Arts In Houston – Designed by Steven Holl Architects.

Romand Schieber