Soothing Earth Tones

Earth Tone color codes are designated by beginning with “S” and are a single color, they are not comprised of layers of Vanceva Color (for example: S7558 is an Earth Tone blue, but cannot be created with Vanceva 0007+0005 +0005+0008).

earth tones color palette

Vanceva Earth Tones collection samples kit

Architects and designers now have an innovative option to expand their creative boundaries and fulfill their vision without sacrificing structural integrity: Vanceva Earth Tones, a collection of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayers in shades of blue, grey, green, brown, and bronze. 

Please note: This kit is available only upon request from architectural firms.

Request samples kit
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Vanceva Earth Tones product bulletin

Read more about the product specifications in the dedicated product bulletin.