Soothing Earth Tones

Earth Tone color codes are designated by beginning with “S” and are a single color, they are not comprised of layers of Vanceva Color (for example: S7558 is an Earth Tone blue, but cannot be created with Vanceva 0007+0005 +0005+0008).

earth tones color palette

Vanceva™ Earth Tones Collection Samples Kit

Architects and designers now have an innovative option to expand their creative boundaries and fulfill their vision without sacrificing structural integrity: Vanceva Earth Tones, a collection of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayers in shades of blue, grey, green, brown, and bronze. 

Please note: This kit is available only upon request from architectural firms.

Request samples kit
EADA_business school

Vanceva Earth Tones product bulletin

Read more about the product specifications in the dedicated product bulletin.